๐ŸฅฝTesting Asynchronous Code

Problems faced in testing asynchronous code, and how to solve them.


Consider we have the following component in our app that renders a list of posts:

import {useState, useEffect} from 'react';

const Async = () => {
  const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]);
  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
  }, []);
  return (
        {posts.map(post => <li key={post.id}>{post.title}</li>)}

export default Async;

Now in our test suite for Async component we want to test whether or not we have all the test list items. We use the following test code:

NOTE: The role for list items are listitem, as defined here.

import {render, screen} from '@testing-library/react';
import Async from './Async';

describe('Async Component Test Suite', () => {
  test('Renders posts if request succeeds', () => {
    render(<Async />);
    const posts = screen.getAllByRole('listitem');

By looking at the test code, it looks as our test should pass without any problems, but it is not the case!

Test Failure

When we run the above test suite, we end up with the test failing, with the following result:

We see that the error states the listitem element is not accessible. This is because when we render the Async component, the initial state is an empty array, on the initial render, the useEffect hook does not run, which results in posts state to be an empty array. After the component is mounted the useEffect hook runs, and then the data is fetched from the URL, which takes a few milliseconds, and then finally the posts state is updated.

But when we run our tests, we are not waiting for the request "Promise" to be completed, due to which we see that the listitem element is an empty array with length 0. We immediately get all the items on the screen with getAllByRole() function.


We can overcome this problem of the getAllByRole() function fetching the values immediately by using a "find" selector from the screen property. The difference here is that all the "find" selector functions return a Promise, which needs to be fulfilled, before the element can be selected from the screen. This is not the case with the "get" and "query" selectors, where they return errors or null/ not null respectively.

Using findAllByRole()

For the Async component test suite, we will use the findAllByRole() method to find all the elements with the role of listitem. This will now wait for the HTTPS fetch() request to finish. It has a default timer of 1 second, that will return an error if the fetch() doesn't return the data on time. We can change this default timer in the third parameter of the findAllByRole() method.

Since this method returns a Promise, we need to await it so that it can complete. For this to work, our test() anonymous function, i.e the second argument in the test() function, can have the async keyword, to wait for the Promise from the findAllByRole() to complete.

  test('...', async() => {
    const posts = await screen.findAllByRole('listitem');


With the above changes, our Async Component Test Suite should also pass without any errors.

Next Steps

This solution here is okay, but still not ideal. For a better approach and solution to testing async code, refer to Mocks.

Last updated